Attend this Integral Eye Movement Therapy 2-day Practitioner Training and add this amazingly effective therapeutic approach to your skill-set.
What is IEMT?
IEMT evolved from EMI (Eye Movement Integration – developed by Steve & Connirae Andreas of NLP fame) and Andrew T Austin’s experience with observing EMDR and his desire to bring about effective lasting change for people – especially at the deepest levels of our being: our identity level. Essentially, IEMT offers a therapeutic answer to the questions: ‘how did this person learn to feel this way about this thing?’ and ‘how did this person learn to be this way?’ – especially when those ways of feeling and being are causing problems in a person’s life.
During this training you will learn:
IEMT 3-D Eye-accessing model (in comparison to NLP 2-D)
The similarities & differences between EMIT (Eye Movement Integration), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing). Brain Spotting & IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy),
How to calibrate for maximum effectiveness
The 3-Pillars model – a great model for understanding & increasing effectiveness in people with anxiety
Basic Eye movement algorithms
Basic patterns to bring about change within identity constructs such as ‘I, Me, Self, You, We, Us, etc
Day 2
Basic & Advanced Eye movement algorithms
Basic & advanced patterns to bring about change within identity constructs such as ‘I, Me, Self, You, We, Us, etc
Physical change patterns for calibration and interruption of negative states and the building of positive physical/somatic states.
The potential connection of the physical/somatic-based interventions within IEMT to poly-vagal theory and other somatic-based interventions.
How within these physical-based IEMT patterns – attention and somatic changes can bring about change via the somatic/emotional/cognitive/symbolic ‘body-up’ system (as opposed to ‘normal’ top down language-based ‘talk therapy’.
The patterns of chronicity – how they sabotage therapeutic intervention and how to reduce their impact.
Learn strategies for dealing with PTSD
Your trainers: Mike Grant Certified Trainer of IEMT and Terry McCoy Certified Practitioner IEMT
Certified IEMT practitioner course:
When: Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th October 2024
Where: Healing Time. 3-5 Cross Street, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 5EP
Times: Start: 10 am. Finish at 4 pm.
Already a Certified IEMT practitioner and want a refresher?
Take advantage of our resit fee of £100.
Cost: £297
Special early registration offer until 3rd July: pay £247 and save £50.
Therapist package:
Register for Core transformation and IEMT before 3rd July and pay £444 saving a further £50.
Refreshments (Teas/Coffee, etc) provided at breaks/lunch-time throughout both days
Please bring your own lunch or purchase locally
EMT: On successful completion you will receive an attendance certificate for the course.
Certified Practitioner IEMT: Successful completion of both days and completion of case studies( 1 case study if you are already working with clients or 3 if you are new to working as a change agent) after the course.
PLEASE NOTE: Registration with the association of IEMT Practitioners organisation (yearly membership fee is required – this is not included in the course fees)
For more information check website: re membership criteria